2019 is so Last Year

​In January, I hit 100,000 followers on my ​Instagram.  That felt like such a huge accomplishment.  And then growth almost completely died and I ‘only’ gained 27,000 followers the whole rest of the year.  I was feeling salty about that, but I’ve decided that i’m just going to be grateful for the amazing followers I have, rather than sad that IG changed their algorithm making accounts like mine all but impossible to grow. 
2020 resolution: I do have some strategies for growth in 2020, so we’ll see how that goes.

​In March of last year I spent 2 weeks in Miami.  I would LOVE to move there.  Miami is absolutely my favorite city in the world.  The climate is ideal for me, the people are amazing, the city is beautiful, and most importantly, Haulover Beach is my favorite place in the world.  When people say “Think of your happy place” it’s me, naked in the sun at Haulover Beach.
2020 resolution: I think I’ll probably end up someplace around Tampa, as it’s WAY cheaper to live in Tampa, but Miami is the bucket-list location. I can still have a boat in Tampa, and sail the bay.

In July of 2019 I hit a HUGE milestone on my Patreon. I hit both a number of subscribers and a dollar amount that I never ever thought i’d hit. It was an incredible outporing of support, and I can’t even begin to describe what that means to me.
2020 resolution: I would like to continue to grow my Patreon and my OnlyFans. Last year’s goal was to have every post be of SG quality. I came pretty close. This year I’ll continue to improve the quality of posts, both in technical terms, as well as locations, props, sets, etc.

In September I joined Suicide Girls! What an absolutely amazing community. I wish I’d had the confidence to do it years ago. I’m so happy with the friends I’ve made, the amazingly beautiful, confident, sexy women I’ve met, and all the people that make up the site. Such a fantastic place. And my first set comes out Jan 18th (as best I can tell.)
2020 Resolution: Go Pink! I recognize that that may or may not happen, and while it’s a fantastic goal and a lifetime dream (well, since I was 13 or so and learned about SG) I also want to just continue to be a part of this amazing community, making friends and having fun along the way.

In October I got a new Day Job. This is a HUGE one for me. On top of it being two steps above my previous gig on the Org Chart and a significant increase in wage, my new job is 100% remote. No office. The company doesn’t even HAVE an office. That means I can travel. As long as I have internet access and a relatively quiet place between the hours of 8am and 4pm EST, I can be anywhere in the world.
2020 Resolution: Travel! I would LOVE to build a van and go full van-life for a little while. I’m not sure the 100% full-time life is the life for me, but I can say for certain living a nomadic lifestyle would be an amazing adventure for the short term. My long-term goal is to buy a sailboat to live on. But I’ve got a few years before I can leave the rat-race behind.

Finally, In December I made a road trip across the country all by myself. I’ve made lots of road trips, but never one by myself. I had no real doubts that I could handle it, but there is always some anxiety around doing something you’ve never done before.
2020 Resolution: More Road Trips! I need more sunshine in my life!

Elle DelSol on a bed

All the Pink

I am so in love with how this photo shoot turned out. So many great images. I’ve posted around 70 images plus an 11 minute behind-the-scenes video from this one shoot over on my Patreon.

These are the ones that are a little too hot for Social Media. These days you can’t be too careful, but that’s why I have my own website! I can post whatever I want here! And while I’ll never post nude stuff here (That’s what Patreon is for) I can post some stuff that would push the boundaries of social media acceptability.

So, if this is your first time here, there are tons of galleries on this site, and everything is free. I don’t update this super often, I prefer to use it for my absolute favorite sets. But as FB/Insta become increasingly prude, I think I’ll be posting more and more stuff here.

Continue reading “All the Pink”
Elle DelSol Calvin Klein

How do you wear your Calvins?

One of my favorite things about Calvin Klein is how comfortable they are. I wear lingerie for a living, I’m quite familiar with putting up with some discomfort for the sake of sexy. Calvins are like a second skin. I absolutely love them.

Continue reading “How do you wear your Calvins?”

On the Rocks

One of the best things about wearing lingerie as everyday clothing is the ability to see a cool looking spot and have an impromptu photo shoot.

The Lake House Studio has this amazing garden with a beautiful rock wall. As we were heading into the studio I commented on how pretty it was, and the next thing you know I was naked! (Funny how that happens!)

See the Gallery!

Sunshine in the Studio House

On Wednesday I spent the day in the Studio House with Vince.

We had a fantastic day of shooting, we made so many amazing photos! I don’t have a big write up for this blog post. Sometimes the light is just right, the mood is good, and magic happens! One of the great things about shooting with Vince is his ability to just look around and see where the light is best, or where a certain shot would be phenomenal. It’s one of the reasons I love shooting with him.

We did 4 lingerie sets, 3 nude galleries, 1 LEWD (much more open-leg stuff) gallery and one EXTREMELY naughty gallery. All in all I think he took about 1000 photos. If you’re interested in seeing nude or LEWD stuff, please take a look at my Patreon.

Bathtime Fun

This bodysuit is from one of my sponsors. If anyone recognizes where it’s from, or if you can find it online, please let me know! I want it in every single color.

There is a full gallery of this on Patreon, including some pretty sexy sheer ones. If you are interested in joining, there are hundreds of galleries there. $10/month gets access to thousands of photos. More than that, joining Patreon makes all of this possible. My patrons are more than just fans, they’re my friends and I appreciate them more than I could ever say. $10 is an inexpensive lunch to most people, but to me it makes an amazing difference. If you’d like to check it out: www.patreon.com/elledelsol

If you’d like to help, but $10 is a little too much, I also have an OnlyFans page. It works a little differently than Patreon, including not charging you on the first. (I know we all have bills to pay on the 1st!) . www.onlyfans.com/elledelsol

Atlanta model Elle DelSol

Lingerie Noir

I know it’s a little silly, but the mood of these photos is totally something out of a film noir detective series set in the 30’s. Plus, lingerie, haha!

This set was fun to shoot. Nice to play with the light and do some creative stuff.

If you’re interested in seeing what happens with the lingerie comes off, you can check that set out on my patreon. www.patreon.com/elledelsol