Patreon and The State of Elle

As February comes to a close, I thought i’d talk a little about what March is about to bring.
I have 3 new sponsors to bring on board. That means more cool stuff to shoot in, and that is always awesome!
Most importantly, i’m going to Miami! Yaaaaay for warm sunshine on my titties!  2 weeks in the sun and nightlife will be pretty awesome. And of course I’ll take you with me! Snapchatters will get tons of live-content from whatever i’m doing, from boutique changing rooms to fine dining to strip clubs.
I’m launching support for Vero, the new instagram-like app everyone is talking about.  One of the cool things about Vero is the ability to have 4 different “levels” of content.  Public, acquaintances, friends, and close friends.  I’m going to be adding people here to various “loops” (friend-groups) based on pledge level. $20 and up will be invited to the ‘friends’ level, $10 and up will be acquaintances.  That will give you access to even more content.
Speaking of content.  Over the last several months, virtually every one of my mentors has told me I give away WAY too much on my patreon.  People way more successful than me say that my $1 tier is something they charge $20 for, and my $10 tier should be closer to $80.  These are people with 100’s of patrons and smaller social media footprints than I have.  
Well, maybe they’re making more money than I am.  But we’re certainly having more fun.  Life isn’t about the money, and I’m not about to change my pledge levels over a few bucks.  I am genuinely grateful to all of you for your pledge, at whatever level you choose.  I try to make each pledge level absolutely “worth it” but most importantly, I try to make all of you feel like your pledge isn’t “buying content” but instead your pledge is helping me achieve a life that so many others can only dream about. Your pledges make all of this possible. Without you I wouldn’t be able to take the time away from my day job to do all these amazing photoshoots and bring all of this to you.

Today’s patreon post is available here: